Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Veil is a Swinging Door

This month marks one year since my Sweet Ireta passed away. I can still hear her, as she cradled my face in her hands, saying, "You are so precious, Darlin'!" I miss her...
I wonder what she has been doing all this time. I wonder about her feelings as she checks up on those she left behind and sees how we are spending the time we have been given.
I imagine she has been very busy, and that her ability to love has grown emensely without the barriers of mortality.
Mom Ireta is gone, my brother Ben is gone, Dave's mom and dad, his brother-in-law and a good friend. It seems we can mark time by the passings, when it used to be that we marked it by arrivals instead.

This month also welcomes to earth my 20th grandchild! Seth Kay, born to Michelle and Steve Kay on August 1st, 2012 in Florida. I wish I could be there. I will be flying out in a few weeks to help when Steve has to leave. It will be fun to play with Aleia and see the kids.

I remember when Michelle was born only 24 years ago.
This is an excerpt from Volumn II of my personal history: Come Unto Me.
     "Though I believe he was there for the birth of others; not until this time did I perceive the presence of my son David. I learned of the growth in the post-mortal world by feeling of his increased power and might, and that he commanded the respect and honor of many. This king brought with him others who permeated the room and our souls with incredible love and light. I felt the soul of my daughter and immediately learned of her too. I could sense her bubbly personality and dancing spirit. What a joy she is in my life!
     "When Michael... was born... David came again. This time he knelt beside me, holding my hand and expressing deep love. Again, the room was holy... Even the nurses whispered in reverence not really understood. As the inspired music I've been privileged to write filled the air, the Spirit was able to touch the hearts of several that day. What a blessing to take part in that and to have the angels direct me in delivering one who David communicated with me was one of the "noble and great ones" spoken of in the scriptures.
     "I had a wonderful talk with David later that night. He expressed an adoration for me that I did not feel worthy of... He asked me to allow him to honor his mother...
     "One example of this would have to be childbirth. At no other time in my life have I felt such pain, even unto death, and suffered it with joy that another of God's children may enjoy the blessings of exaltation. This may be the closest I will get to understanding a small minute part of what my Savior did for me. To do this without medication or complaining began with my 'pioneer spirit' and became my 'gift' to give, and my joy."

Life truly is precious
for those who come and those who go.
Welcomed on both sides by loved ones,
trailing clouds of glory as they go.

On to the next assignment,
in forward motion pressing on.
And watchful loving Father
carefully helps us become "one."