Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thanksgiving Countdown

I am truly grateful!

24. My body heals! I am grateful I can walk without pain!

23. I can see amazing sunsets, mountains, and the smile on a child's face.

22. I can hear beautiful music, birds singing, water splashing, and people talking to me.

21. I can smell chocolate, fresh bread, pumpkin pie, and lovely flowers.

20. I can taste sweet fruit, buttery popcorn, chocolate brownies, and cheesy lasagne.

19. I can read and understand the words of the prophets and current events.

18. I can speak and write my thoughts in ways that enrich the lives of others.

17. I have a car that works so I can get to places easily.

16. I live in a comfortable home that is big enough to make others feel comfortable when they visit.

15. I have food to eat every day, and a bed to sleep in.

14. I have clothing and shoes, and a coat for the winter.

13. I have a job, and so does David.

12. I have friends who care about me.

11. I have family -- I am not alone.

10. I can call my family or friends whenever I want, or send them a text or note on line whenever I want to.

9. I am free to worship my God.

8. I can hold the Holy Scriptures in my hands, and read, study and learn from them any time that I choose.

7. I can enter the Lord's Holy house, serve, make covenants, and learn of Him.

6. I have been blessed with amazing Spiritual Gifts; opportunities to bless others and be an instrument in His hands.

5. The Holy Priesthood is held, honored and used in my home and in the homes of many of my children.

4. My Savior knows and loves me personally.

3. My husband and I enjoy working together for inspired purposes to help and uplift others, bringing them to Christ, through music and other means.

2. Death has no sting because my Savior is risen and has given that gift to us.

1. The Atonement of my Lord covers my sins and offers healing and peace to my troubled mortal and corruptible soul.