While I waited for an opportunity to let the brother in charge know that this was going on, I had several minutes to watch this brother on the back row. I thought to myself, "How can he be doing this?" "What is so important that it couldn't wait until AFTER the Temple?" "He looked up once at the screen, but is literally buried in his iPad." "I can't believe this is really happening!"
Then, I had a thought. It's the kind of thought that penetrates so deeply, you know it came from the Lord. "What if he is deaf, and is watching a closed-captioned version of the endowment presentation?" I didn't know such a thing existed, but it made sense.
At that moment, I was struck with such stunning humility, that I was ashamed at not having assumed the best of this dear brother from the beginning. My thoughts and feelings changed instantly from those of judgment and impatience, to profound empathy, caring, and gentle concern.
It turned out to be the case with this sweet brother. He WAS deaf. The Lord reminded me gently, but firmly that although I did have some of the facts, and the facts I had were correct, (He did have an electronic device in the Temple, and was using it during the session...) by not having ALL of the facts, I actually knew nothing.
I cannot EVER judge anyone else. Although I might feel as though I know enough... I don't. I never will... only He can judge. Boy am I glad!